by Joanna Albrecht | Dec 9, 2013 | Blog
I lost myself again…totally and completely gave all of my power away.
The only thing worse than knowing I did it, was knowing I did it…again.
I felt ashamed and embarrassed. I felt like hiding away. I cried, I felt like my whole life was a failure. I felt like I was worth nothing, never was and everything I have ever done was worthless and that I was worthless…
Then I realized…I had made an agreement to do this…to go through this process. This is not me…this is not who I am.
Who I am is powerful, beautiful, loving and courageous. Who I am is a leader, a teacher, a guide and a lover of everything and everyone including myself. These thoughts and these feelings aren’t me. They never were. I took them on to play a game. To pretend I was less than the amazingly beautiful being that I am so that I could bring myself back and then share what I have learned with others.
So early this morning as the light started to filter into the world I decided to breathe myself back into me. All of the power I had given away I took back through my solar plexus and as I did I could feel it go through me into these beautiful wings. I felt my whole body sway back and forth in a fluid dance as the energy began to course through me and energize my wings as they unfurled. Vibrant colors and light shone in me and through me and my wings and I felt everything coming back on line.
I want you to know…if you are struggling through the darkness that there is hope, you can find your way out of the darkness and it doesn’t have to take a whole life time. Maybe it only takes a willingness to see the truth of who you are. Maybe it takes you calling your energy and power back to you as only you can. Maybe it is realizing that none of these terrible thoughts you are thinking are yours anyway. Maybe it just takes asking for assistance to guide you back. There is help, you are not alone.
You deserve an amazing life, you are here to make a difference on the planet. Your voice and your words are the only ones that are going to help the people you came here to help and if you don’t show up the world is going to be a little less bright, a little less vibrant because your light is not a part of it. You will be missed and you are loved very much.
I am calling to you from the other side of the veil…come back now, come back into the light, come back to yourself. If it feels like too much ask for help, we are here to assist you, all you have to do is ask.
With love and much reverence I bow to the amazing being that I know you are.
You can do this. You are strong enough. I believe in you.
Loving you always,
by Joanna Albrecht | Nov 15, 2013 | Blog, Videos
Messages from your Guardian Angels.
by Joanna Albrecht | Oct 6, 2013 | Blog
It’s funny…how sometimes I forget how strong I am. I was just remembering how one night, Rob and I were walking back to the place we were staying in the jungle in Belize. It was an hour walk, it was dark and we didn’t have a flash light. (Yeah, neither of us were ever very good at planning…)
So here we are walking carefully trying not to fall on rocks on the road that we can’t see because it is pitch black and Rob says to me…’I wonder if there are any Jaguars around here’…a minute later we hear this growl…and was I thinking…’You’ve got to be kidding me’…
I somehow figured out it was a dog and said…’Hi Sweety, awww you are scared, it’s ok love, you’re ok. You’re ok…’
I realized that he was probably as scared as we were and needed a little reassuring…We kept walking and the crisis was averted…
I didn’t really think of it in the moment, but that was pretty bad ass…
by Joanna Albrecht | Oct 6, 2013 | Blog
Autumn has always been my favorite time of year. Walking through the forest of changing trees…I am reminded this is what the leaves actually look like. In the summer and spring they are covered in green, but come fall they drop the green and show their true colors…so beautiful and vibrant.
Maybe this is true for us too… in our youth we are covered in green, when we are learning how to live life. We are protected and fed by this newness…then one day it’s time for us to drop the green and show who we are underneath. The green slowly fades away until we are no longer protected or sheltered by the green, but uncovered, showing our brilliance.. We are now in the world being us.
To the outside observer it seems to happen all at once, one day were one way and the next we are something very different…but to our inner being, to our Divine Soul Essence…we know that this beautiful, colorful Being is who we were all along…
by Joanna Albrecht | Oct 6, 2013 | Blog
What if the things you have been thinking were reversed?
What if the point where you thought you were the weakest and failing, you were actually more courageous than you have ever been.
What if you just think you are confused, but you actually do know, you just haven’t been willing to make the choice that would change everything.
What if you think you are at the mercy of other people and are powerless, but in reality you have the power to change everything in an instant.
We play these games in our mind to make us feel like we don’t have total control of our lives…but we do. We can choose in every moment what we will focus on and who and what we will give our energy to. These choices shape our lives and create our future.
What are you unwilling to know, that if you knew it would change your life, your living and your reality? Would you be willing to know it now?
by Joanna Albrecht | Sep 29, 2013 | Super Adventure Life
Our paths might be different right now…
Maybe we will meet again in many years or not at all this lifetime…but my love will always be by your side…
You are a part of me and I am a part of you.
You have been and will always be in my soul…