Releasing Attachments and Other People’s Energy

Releasing Attachments and Other People’s Energy

When I go into someone’s energyfield I see energetic attachment cords as ribbons or streamers. Depending on how intricate the relationship they can also weave themselves together. I actually saw something that looked like a woven vest.   It is possible to unravel and release these cords and when you do you will feel much freer. I think the thing that most people don’t realize is that the intrinsic nature of having the cord makes you not want to release it, it makes you want to hold on to it for dear life, but as soon as you release it, all of it. You are free and there is no pain. The pain only comes in because of the holding on. It is the act of not letting it go that creates the suffering. The closer you are to letting it go, the more it tries to hold on. It is a great act of courage to let go because it can sometimes feel like you are going to die, sometimes feels like something bad will happen to you or someone else if you do, sometimes it can feel like it’s just the wrong thing to do. Before you let something go there is an unknown. You know what your life has been like with this attachment. Even if this attachment has been hurting you or making your life a complete hell, it is a known hell. You know what life is like with it, you have created your life around it. You don’t know what your life will be like without it.

But here is where it gets interesting… When we interweave our energy with another person our perception is filtered through their eyes. The cords we have with them allow us to see life through their filter, which is interesting and fun sometimes, but what happens if we don’t unravel ourselves periodically is that we forget our vision and how to see life through our own eyes and filter. Why is this important? Well, we have a job to do this lifetime. We have a specific frequency that we radiate and emanate that creates a change in the world only we can express. Other people flavor our perception and outlook and that is beautiful, but you don’t want to get saturated with another person’s vision or energy. When this happens there is a distortion of your vision and purpose and a couple things happen. The person you are with starts to lose interest in you. The reason being, you aren’t resonating with your own frequency anymore. You are now more them than you are you. People get attracted to other people because of their uniqueness. When you become the same as another person or you start to live your life to please them you lose the very thing that person was attracted to. Many people get into relationships and are deeply saddened because they give their lives over to make the other person happy.  When the relationship ends they say, but I did everything for them, I did everything right, why didn’t they want to be with me? That is exactly the reason. Even in the most loving of relationships, if you do not take the time to come back to yourself there is always a tendency to lose yourself within it. Which means, you lose your identity and this happens when you take on too much of another person’s energy.

There is also another thing that happens. When you give all of your time and attention to another person, it saturates them with your energy, which is great and fun for a while, but eventually that person will begin to feel suffocated with your energy because there is more of your energy in their space than theirs. It’s kind of like getting a blood transfusion with the wrong kind of blood. It feels good for a while, then it slowly stagnates and becomes stuck in the energyfield and that person can’t access their own energy easily. When they look into their energy field to see what is wrong they see you and your energy and that makes them want to take space from you. By taking your energy back and giving them back their energy it creates space between the both of you and allows for a feeling of freedom.

People often create these cords and exchange energy because when you merge with another person it feels so good that you would like to have that feeling on tap forever. So in in essence, tap into their energyfield to make sure you can find them and connect in whenever you want.  They are also created to give you a false sense of security. If that cord is there they are connected to you and you don’t have to worry about them leaving you. The fault in this thinking is that the cords get gunky and twisted around and create the issues I talked about above. Also when there is a cord present there is more of a chance you will feel insecure because you will be able to feel if that person is pulling away from you or has their attention somewhere else. When two people are together without attachment cords they both feel free and open to be with one another without feeling a necessity to be together. This creates a fresh experience each time you interact with them and that keeps the relationship new and fluid. You get to choose each other over and over again.

So how do you release someone else’s energy and the cords of connection?

Find a quiet space where you won’t be disturbed. Slow your breath down and breathe more deeply. Relax into your body. Now tune into your body. Begin to feel your body with the intention to find any energy that is not yours. Sometimes it comes up as a feeling, sometimes as images, sometimes you just know. When you find the energy or cords, call in a helper, like a guide or angel, if you haven’t worked with them before, it’s ok, just know that you have spiritual helpers that are always there to help you when you need them. Call upon these helpers now and ask them to help you release this cord. When you feel it or visualize it you can see the connection as 2 hands holding on to one another. Find this connection and relax into it. Breathe and relax and allow the hands to slowly unravel, then give the other hand to the guide or angel. They will bring it back to whoever it belongs to and will take care of that person’s needs, so you don’t have to worry that you are leaving them without love or energy, they will be taken care of fully and completely. When the cord is gone feel into the space it was and fill yourself up with loving energy.

When you find someone else’s energy in your space, you can breathe into it and with your out breath use your intention to breathe it back to the other person. You might feel weird about giving the energy back to the person you took it from because the energy might feel weird to you, but the only reason it feels weird is because it’s not yours. It will feel like a burst of energy to them when they receive it back. If it still doesn’t feel right to give their energy back to them you can give it to the Earth or to the Divine. Each of these actions will allow that person to access their energy through their own connection to the Earth or Source energy.

Again, sometimes when we are releasing energy we have a resistance to releasing it all. It could be your resistance, it could be the resistance you feel from the other person, either way I want you to know that you and the other person will feel better after this cord and energy are released. It is a step in courage because you may feel like you are losing them forever, but the truth is…you can never lose them. There is a pure connection of energy that connects everyone here in the planet. If you ever need them you can think about them and they will be right there.  Think of it more like an ego cord. The ego has this idea that we are finite beings and we can lose everything in an instant. The truth is more like, we are infinite beings experiencing life on this planet as finite bodies, but our connection to each other and our experiences we have together are eternal. We can never lose them. When we release each other in love it creates even more love and the remembrances that we are all One.


For more information about the book Moving On and Letting On and Letting Go – A Guide to Loving Yourself or to receive a Moving On and Letting Go session. Please visit


When we love someone who doesn’t love us back…

When we love someone who doesn’t love us back…

Do you ever wonder why you get obsessed about someone who is clearly not healthy for you? Someone who keeps teaching you lessons about what not to do in relationship? You might light up when you think about them or talk to them, but the reality of the relationship is more pain and suffering….
Before we incarnate on this planet there are lessons we decide on learning here as a human. We pick our favorite beings…the ones that love us the most, to help us learn these lessons…sometimes these lessons are challenging and difficult to learn, especially when it comes to how to love ourselves and others in a deeply unconditional way, but these beings, who love us so deeply volunteer to help us learn these lessons no matter what it takes.
Sometimes it takes them showing up as someone who seems not to love us, someone who seems to want to cause us pain or suffering. Someone who seems not to care about us or want to be around us…
With all that said why would we want to still go back and be around this person? Why would we still love them even though they seem to want to hurt us?
With the veils lifting we are able to feel and see everything through a bigger perspective. We can’t deny the energy we feel or experience even when the outside circumstances show us something completely different.
In these cases we have to hold two complete but seemingly different truths. There is the Divine Being that loves us so completely and the earthly personality that is choosing to learn and teach it’s lessons here on the planet.
Our soul loves this Being deeply and completely because we are Soul Family. We feel this connection and we remember Home when we are with them, the challenge comes in when we forget that they agreed to teach us some painful lessons and when we learn these lessons we need to let them go so we can complete the lesson.
Letting this person go can be quite hard because you can feel this soul connection so strongly…because the more challenging the lesson, the more deeply you both love each other on a soul level. It takes a deeply loving soul love to seemingly forget you that completely.
As you come to the time of parting ways you can take solace in the fact that your Soul Family will always be with you. On a higher level they will always know you and love you completely and at the end of this Earth story we will all come back together again to love each other and merge completely into love with one another.
Thank them for their part on your journey. Identify what they had to teach you and then as lovingly and gracefully as you can, allow them to move on from your life so they can blossom into the person they need to be and you can as well. Remember, this is not an ending for the eternal beings that you are, just for the personalities you are experiencing this lifetime. The Divine Love will always be there, it is never ending…you are and always will be loved fully and completely.
Letting Go Of The Past : Creating Your Future

Letting Go Of The Past : Creating Your Future

Your thoughts, feelings and emotions all resonate at a certain frequency and vibration. When you tell the story of your past you tune into that specific frequency of energy and vibration. This is unwanted for a lot of reasons but one of the main reasons is, if it is an unpleasant memory it makes you feel uncomfortable, second it puts you in a negative mind loop, where you keep repeating the same thoughts over and over and the energy gets stronger and stronger and snowballs the energy. When that happens you not only start resonating at the same frequency again but you actually become a magnet that attracts similar energy to you. This is why people tend to repeat unwanted relationships… if you keep talking about the things you didn’t like in the last relationship you will call it in again because you keep recreating that same vibration every time you talk about it.

A part of us will always want to try to fix the past by bringing up old stories, but there is no changing what has happened, you can only shift the energy of this present moment to make sure you create a better future.

When you find yourself thinking of something that happened in the past or re-living a story, say. ‘Present moment. Forward thinking.’ This will bring you back to this moment and shift your ‘Thought Stream’ into a new direction. And when I say ‘Thought Stream’ I mean it. If you knew the intensity of the flow of energy you are using to think about the past it would amaze you. When you are able to shift all of that energy into the present moment and point it to where you would like to go, your life will move forward faster than you knew was possible.

Sometimes we focus on the past because we may be afraid of what comes next. The past, even if it was a crappy past, seems safer than an unknown future… But most of us are only afraid of the future because we are afraid we may repeat the past, but we will only repeat the past if we keep thinking about it…there in lies the cycle. There are all of these organizations that keep saying, ‘We should remember the past! Lest we forget!’ Let’s just talk about the word Remember for a moment. Re-member we are putting back together, we are Re-membering something that has happened in the past. We are literally bringing it back together and creating the energy of it again and again.

I believe a more productive way to create a better future is to actually create a better future. Think about what you want to create and then take the steps to make it happen. The same goes for your new relationship. Create in your mind’s eye what you would like to experience, then go one step further and bring up the feelings you would like to feel in this new relationship. Bring them up every day. Feel them as much as you can. Have as much fun as you can. Talk to your future partner, have fun with them, go for walks and talk to them. Feel what it feels like to be in their presence. This brings you into the vibration and frequency of what you wish to create. When you are in the frequency for long enough you become a magnet for that same frequency to come in. Eventually a new partner can’t help but come in, and when they do it will feel easy and natural, like they have been with you for a long time…because in essence… they have, you have been in each other’s same energy and frequency for as long as you have been calling it in.

A more compassionate way to release energetic cords

A more compassionate way to release energetic cords

Many of us have been taught to cut energetic cords with people who we have unhealthy connections with. That never quite felt right to me. If you cut a cord you then have this dangling piece of cord hanging around, which is going to leak energy and or reconnect with it’s other half again. Which is why people cut cord and the connection comes back. There is another technique that involves finding the cord, turning it and then pulling it out of your body that way. That seemed a little better…but one day I came across a way to release cords that seems the most compassionate and loving.

The way I see it is this:
When you have a cord attachment to another person you both have an agreement to hold on to one another. It looks like 2 hands holding onto each other at the end of the cords. In the beginning it can feel quite comforting, but sometimes the attachment becomes painful and not at all healthy. So here is a gentle and loving way to releasing this connection with someone.

Here is the process:

When you are ready to release an attachment cord with someone call in an angel/guide to assist you.

Breathe and relax into the connection point where you are holding on to the other person’s hand. Allow the hands to soften and release, then give the other person’s hand to the angel/guide and ask them to take this hand back to the person it belongs to. Ask the angel/guide to help them to assimilate the cord and energy back into their being and also help them in anyway that cord was helping them.

Help them to connect to Divine Source through the crown chakra and the Earth through the root so they can get the love and energy they need. Now that your connection is gone they will not be getting energy from you,  that is good news because now they can re establish how to get energy and it’s much better for them to get energy from an unlimited Source energy rather than you limited energy  as a human. The same goes for you. If you were using this person for a source of energy and or love you will now be able to tap into an infinite amount of energy and love any time you need it from Source and Earth energy . When we are attached we often think that this person is the only place we can feel this good or get this kind of energy, but as soon as we are free we realize that there is so much more we can experience if we open up our awareness to outside of this connection.

Once you have released the cord then it’s time to focus in on your own connection. Breathe your connection end back into your body putting your hands on this place and filling yourself up with your own energy. Breathe deeply and easily into this place. Relax into it and allow it to be filled up with your love and energy. There was a reason why you were holding on to this connection. Some sort of energy or lesson you were getting from this person. Ask that anything you might need or want be filled in now with love. Give yourself everything you need, gently and easily in this moment. Breathe deeply and know that you are safe and you are loved. Relax into it…feel yourself sinking deep into this place. Allow any tension to let go as you move in and relax. Fill yourself up in every part of your being that feels lacking. Connect up to Source energy through your crown chakra and connect into the Earth through your root chakra.

Continue to relax breathe and go within until you feel at peace.

What happens when you think about someone or something

What happens when you think about someone or something

When you think about something you send out a streamer of energy to that person or that thing or situation in time. Depending on how emotional you are the more energy is channeled through that streamer of energy and the bigger it gets. So if you are thinking about something you want to happen, awesome… but what if you are thinking about someone or something you are sad about or thinking about a situation you wish would NOT happen. Well then you are streaming all of your energy to the things you don’t want. I understand how easy it is to think about the negative things that have happened or the things that could be happening or will happen in the future, but if you think about it this way… the more you think about it the more energy you put into manifesting it. So if you are going to spend all of your energy thinking about something wouldn’t it be better to think about something you want to bring into your life than something you don’t want to bring into your life? Be honest, how much time have you actually spent thinking about things that you don’t want to happen?

Here is what to do when you find yourself obsessing about things you would rather not be thinking about.

Notice what you are thinking about. ‘Oh I am thinking about this again.’ Notice where the streamer is coming out of your body. Is it coming from your head? Your heart? Your belly? Take some time to think about that streamer of energy coming back to you. Breathe it back into your body. Redirect the energy either to the Divine, the Sun or to the Earth. This will ground the energy and give it a neutral charge.

It’s challenging when you are thinking about something and obsessing about it, it almost becomes an addiction to the feeling of pain and hurt. Ekhart Tolle talks about being in the pain body. He says that when you are in the pain body all you want to do is focus on the things that can hurt you more and what can hurt others more. This bringing back of the streamer helps with getting you out of the pain body and back into your physical body. The more present you are in the physical body the more safe and calm you will feel.

As you bring the streamer back into your body start breathing deeply into your body and imagine the very base of your body and legs sinking into the Earth. Relax and breathe as you imagine sinking further into the Earth.

When you feel very grounded and calm focus your attention on the top of your head and imagine connecting up to a big sun. Breathe up to this sun and breathe the light and energy back down from this sun.

I hope you enjoyed this post. Remember to join the Love Club for updates and new posts!

Many blessings,



Beyond the veil

Beyond the veil

I have had a mixture of anxiousness and sadness going on under the surface for many years, but somehow today I was able to get a different perspective on it. Even though I have felt these feelings, I never really embraced them or sat with them. I have heard of this, I have even taught this, but today I actually did it…and something happened.

I relaxed into the feelings of resistance and instead of seeing it as resistance I saw it just another feeling, just another sensation. Relaxing into the anxiousness, relaxing into the sadness…and just being a witness to it, just loving it…feeling it expand and open.

These feelings were like veils keeping me from being fully present in my body. I would feel them and back off and then they would come back stronger and overwhelm me…but each time I would note the feelings and sensations and wonder how to shift them the next time.

Today I was able to feel the layers that these feelings lived in and was able to get below them. Deeper and deeper I explored into and around these feelings and as I went into them they would dissolve. Taking deep breaths I realized that these feelings were just sensations and sensations can shift and change. The act of moving into them allowed them to release and then I was able to move deeper into my own body.

As I feel into my body now I am experiencing a greater groundedness than I can remember ever feeling. It’s starting to feel like my body is solid, strong and stable. I am not done with the process yet, but each day that I go in I feel like I am getting another part of me back again. Feeling emotionally and physically stronger.

I am so thankful for this process of unfolding in my life. Allowing me to see that we truly do create our reality, our pain, our suffering, but also our salvation, our healing and our bliss. Nothing we do is outside of ourselves. We are doing this whole life as an experiment in coming back to wholeness, truth and clarity.

Someone had told me not to tell people about my struggles with life, but in the struggles lies the courage to seek out the peace. I am an awesome empathic intuitive, but I didn’t get that way because life was easy. I got this way because I have struggled and cried and raged and learned what it is to be human. This humaness has taught me more than any quiet times of perfection in solitude. In this moment I am thankful for it all.

I know this clarity comes and goes, so in this moment I give thanks and I honor it all…with so much love…