by Joanna Albrecht | Sep 26, 2013 | Blog
I have been in healing mode the past couple of days. Trying to figure out soul contract lessons of my last relationship. Tonight I went to the park and laid on the grass to look up at the stars. It is so peaceful in nature and I feel so safe there. I feel like the trees and the nature spirits are always looking after me.
As I lay there I felt some left over sadness that was still hanging out in my 3rd chakra I asked, “Why are you still sad?” and I got, “Because I really wanted him to be the love of my life.” and then I said ” Well he wasn’t, but if you let him go you can have that.” At that I sat straight up and laughed and laughed…(and scared a squirrel that had been sneaking up to me to see what I was doing laying on the grass looking up at the stars, which made me laugh even more…)
I realized that was it…so many times I have held on to relationships that were clearly not working out with guys that weren’t that into me…Again and again I would find these men who I thought would love and adore me the way I did them, but in the end would want me to be part of a menagerie of women, because somehow I wasn’t enough on my own…and I would try to be ok with it…thinking I was somehow being un-spiritual or unenlightened if I didn’t, when really it just made me very sad…
Tonight I realized that I want a partner who loves and adores me as I do him…not only do I want that, I am worthy of it and I deserve it. I don’t have to settle for less than that. I can actually have what I want this lifetime.
For so long I have been waiting for someone to pick me, waiting for someone to see my worth…but somehow things changed and now I see it’s not about them seeing my worth, It is about me knowing my worth, feeling it and then radiating it out into the world like a sun, and as I do it will attract in the most amazing people…people who resonate with that frequency and vibration of love…
I believe that when you truly love yourself, that is when you realize your worth…You are Divine love and when Divine love recognizes itself miracles happen…
Now I realize that I can choose an amazing relationship with an amazing man… I can choose to call that in and I can create that in my life…Not because I need it, (I am actually content being single right now.) but because it would be really fun to share my life with somebody, to laugh and giggle and explore with someone, to share fun creative days and passionate nights with them. To tell secrets to and create adventurous stories together. To wake up in the morning next to him and say, “Yaay! We get to share another day together! Woohoo let’s go explore some more life!”
I feel like something profoundly shifted tonight…it’s still integrating, but I think it’s going to change everything…
by Joanna Albrecht | Sep 20, 2013 | Blog
Oh, my love, no need for tears…there are no endings here…just transformations into different states of being…we are always connected…we are always one…come, let me bring solace to your weary heart, run my hand across your cheek, smooth the hair from your face as I look into your eyes and tell you that everything really will be ok, you’ll see…
Love never ends…it is always here…in closeness, in separation…love is what makes us up, it is what binds us all in this web of life…
Come back to yourself my love…remember this beautiful person that you are and give yourself the love that you pour so lavishly out to others. Put your hands on your chest and tell your sweet heart how lovely it is, how much you love it and how proud you are of all the wonderful things it does…take a deep breath and feel this wonderful being you are…
by Joanna Albrecht | Jun 19, 2013 | Super Adventure Life
What do you do when the person that you love says they don’t love you in the same way?
Well, first you cry because your heart that was so very open is probably beginning to shut down…but if you put your hands on your heart and breathe…feel everything…then allow yourself to stay open…something amazing happens…you can begin to heal in that moment. Remind your heart how much you much you love it and that you are going to be ok. You are safe and you are loved.
Begin to bring yourself back from them and into you. This means breathing your energy, that had been flowing so strongly to this other person back into your own body and then returning their energy back to them. This is not always easy…The comforting feeling of your lovers energy probably feels like home…you think that if you let go of this energy this person and this feeling of loving home will be lost to you forever…but it’s not true.
The people you have loved…all of them…are always going to be connected to you. You can cut a million energy cords and do many rituals to try to stop thinking of them, but in the end we are all connected, all of us. Some of us share stronger bonds than others, but all of us are connected by threads of love that might be turned down, but they never go away.
The main thing to remember during this time is that you are not alone. The loneliness that you might feel is your own self thinking that if this person doesn’t love you, that you are not worthy of love. It is your job as caretaker of your beautiful body and soul to now nurture this being of love called You. You need to take over the role of lover now. You need to love and nurture this lovely one and let her know that you believe in her worth. You believe she is good enough, strong enough and worthy of love. Tell her all of the things she was wanting to hear from the other person…give her the soft touches and comfort of love that she has been craving. You know her better than anyone else…take this time to show her how to stay open to love…even during this time when love seems like it is going away, remind her that it is still right here…it might not be easy, but you can do this. You can begin to establish a loving relationship with you again.
In loving another we often lose our sense and love of self, but during this vulnerable time when the heart is most open you can use it to go deeper in a loving relationship with yourself. Listen to loving music and sing yourself love songs. Take yourself out on dates. Dance with yourself. Allow your hands to loving feel your entire body, like a lover would, from head to toe and awaken your body’s energy. Breathe into the places that are unfeeling and invite them to feel again. This is all part of reminding yourself that you are safe and you are loved whether you have a partner or not. This relationship that you have with your body is the first and last relationship you will ever have so you might as well make it a good one.
It takes courage to keep an open heart when it seems like love is going away, but if you love yourself…truly love yourself like you would a lover…then it will be an easier transition and maybe you might find that the love you thought was going away…never actually changed…but your relationship to you had…and now you have the gift of being able to open up to you again which will allow you to open up to an even greater love you had ever thought possible…
by Joanna Albrecht | May 2, 2013 | Blog
I noticed today I was getting worked up with thoughts of fear, sadness and anxiousness even after having a really great talk with my favorite person…
I wondered what would make me feel better and I just started to tune into my own being…When I breathe into my own body and get quiet I can hear and feel this loving and healing presence that knows me, knows me better than anyone else…because it is me…but it’s this part of me that seems to be more wise, knowing and loving than my day to day me.
This part of me knows how to comfort me, knows how to make me laugh and knows just what to say to make everything better…
After all this time it’s funny that I don’t tune into this place within more often…but I think now that I am paying attention…I am going to spend more time in here…
by Joanna Albrecht | May 1, 2013 | Blog
I got to talk to and see Rob on Skype today for 2 hours! It’s amazing how much that can lift my spirits. When we are together it’s like we have never been apart. It’s hard to be away from him, but knowing that I will see him again soon and being able to see and talk to him just makes it all so much better.
I have been a bit worried about my upcoming doctors appointment. I will get my test results back and then he will tell me what treatment I will need to start. The thing is, after talking to Rob I know that everything is going to be ok.
Love is such a tremendous feeling…I really do think that love can heal anything…It’s the love of another, but also the love of the self. I think that when someone loves you unconditionally it creates a safe space for you to love yourself. I think that is why so many people get so very sad when there is a break up…there is this reaction of…if this person doesn’t love me, I will never feel love again, not even for myself.
The love of another does make it easier for you to love you, but it’s not the only way. I found that taking the time to go through each of my body parts and saying ” I love you, I thank you and I appreciate you”, helps to begin a conversation with the body and also allows the body to feel more comfortable with positive attention. Many of us never address our body unless we are upset at something not working correctly or the way we want it to and then we are often mean with our words and energy. By taking the time to appreciate each part of our body we are giving the body a chance to relax and let go into a space of unconditional love. The space of unconditional love is one of the most healing spaces you can be in. This is why animals and babies can be so uplifting and healing for the spirit, they have open and unconditionally loving hearts and just being in the presence of someone with an open heart can resonate enough to allow us to open our own hearts.
I am so in love with Rob. Just thinking about him makes me smile, but I also know that working on my own self love and and raising my vibration everyday is key to keeping our love alive. If you want a high vibrational relationship you have to be willing to put in the work and that work is mostly loving yourself. If you are in your own vortex of love your partner can’t help but love you. And if by some reason they aren’t in their vortex of love and can’t remember their own connection to love, if you stay in your loving vortex and vibration, your connection will remind them of their own and they will start raising up to meet you.
by Joanna Albrecht | Apr 30, 2013 | Super Adventure Life
The flight was long..I wasn’t really able to get much sleep…I don’t think I slept very much for a week actually.
But I finally landed and caught a cab to my mom’s place. My mom was very happy to see me and I was glad to be with her.
When I was at the airport a man mentioned that I should look up someone in Chicago that treats this sort of thing. Chicago is a major place for many things, someone has to know about it. I looked on line and found a specialist who is the director of the Rush Hospital Infectious Disease Center.
I called the next day and got an appointment the next day. The doctor called me back actually which I found really amazing. He was very nice and interested in my case.
My mom and I drove into the city the next day and the doctor confirmed that it was indeed Leish, but we had to get it tested and the next appointment for testing was in a week. He took a picture of it and sent me on my way.
That night my mom started to complain of pains on her side. She said that she might need to go to the hospital so we called the ambulance. That night she was admitted into the hospital.
For the next few days they ran test after test and in the end they sent her home because they just weren’t sure what the problem was.
Everyday I was holding space for my mom and also for Rob who has to take a bus and a train everyday round trip 3 hours to get his treatment. It’s been hard being away from Rob during all of this. I get emotional and sad and it’s not helpful for him…
My mom is home now, feeling better and we are working on a healthy way of eating and living.
Rob has 8 more days of treatment and is feeling tired.
I got tested last week and I find out what species of Leish I have on Thursday. My lesion is healing, which could be a good thing or not depending on what type of Leish I have. Basically if I have Mexicana it will heal on it’s own and I won’t need treatment and if I have Braziliana then I will need treatment. Rob has been getting treatment for it even though they don’t know what kind he has, but in America the CDC won’t release the medication unless the result comes back positive for the Brazillian species.
I have been up and down and have been very thankful for the love and support of all of my friends and family and Rob’s friends and family. I feel like we are supported and loved by so many.
Now all I have to do is start taking care of myself…It’s been easy to put all of my love and focus into Rob and my mom, but now it is time to turn within and start my own healing process….