Synthesis Festival – Part 1
The night we arrived it was dark. We finally found our way to the camp ground and in the darkness I heard my friend Tree’s voice.
Tree! I saw my beautiful friend and we hugged and were so thankful to see each other. Tree and I had been facebook friends and recently met in California. She is a beautiful wonderful Sacred Healing Dancing Medicine Woman and she was assisting with this event. Now that we found Tree I knew that everything was going to be OK.
We set up camp and rested, happy that we finally made it!
The next day we awoke and looked around at the amazing camp site. They had created this beautiful sacred space from an abandon ruin site that had been somewhat of a dumping ground. They had been clearing it for a couple of weeks and now it had white rock paths, art and different spaces set up for different events.
They still needed lots of help to set everything up before the event started, so Rob and I got to work assisting where we could. He went out and cut down bamboo and helped to set up structures. I painted signs and helped to create a flower of life mandala made of sand.
The people running the event made sure that everyone who was helping got fed and had water to drink so we were set for a place to stay and food, which was a relief. Plus we were in this space with some of the most amazing healers and innovators of this time. There were many camera crews from all over the world to document this event and the happenings. (I wonder if we will ever see the footage…)
Our camp ground was great, but the real events, talks and workshops were in town. There were shuttles back and forth from the camp ground so we would go into town every once in a while to get food and see the events.
Rob was really wanting to see a Mayan Elder named Aktar. So one night he went out to meet with him and his people. I ended up going to an event in the town square where the locals were performing a Winter Solstice Ceremony. It was full of fire, dancing and music. It was so very cold that night…they handed out candles and I remembered just warming different parts of my hands with the tiny flame to keep myself warm…it kind of worked…but not really…
Later that night I met up with Rob and we huddled for warmth. We had no idea it would be so cold in Mexico! Brrr! But we had sleeping bags and each other to keep us warm.
The next day Rob was very excited about using his new machete. We had a pineapple and he was slicing it open and ended up slicing his thumb too. With blood everywhere we were taken to the Emergency tech on staff. Which at first was a local Mayan who wiped it down with Preparation X cloths and bandaged it up. A little while later a nurse who was sent from Hay House showed up and we went to see her.
This lady…she was wacky, loud and quite the conspiracy theorist. The best advice we got from her is that “If you get a cut or anything in the jungle, clean it, cover it and then leave it the fuck alone. ”
We were able to visit the festival in the city on a few days and I got to do some healing on people and Rob got to learn a magnetic healing activation which was supposed to help with the ascension. He also learned this really cool greeting that we still do every once in the while. It is a series of hand gestures that ends with saying, “I believe in me because I believe in you.”