Adventures With My Love – The Beginning

Adventures With My Love – The Beginning

Dec 11th I met the love of my life, Rob, in Cancun, Mexico. Rob and I had known each other for about 3 years through facebook. We shared things and helped each other through life’s trials, but it wasn’t until about 6 months before we met that we started to really get to know each other.

We started to share our thoughts on a deeper level and although I thought he was a really interesting person before, I was beginning to see that this person who I had been talking to for so long…was like me…the things he would say would be something that I would say, except from a different point of view, one that was fascinating and intriguing. It was weird because, here was this person I thought that I knew, but unfolding before me was this amazing man…someone who was more amazingly than anyone I had ever met. I looked forward to our chats together everyday and sometimes we would be up until very late in the morning talking to each other.

One day I got a new webcam and wanted to show him my roomates and my room. When I finally saw him on video, my heart stopped. He was the most beautiful man I had even seen. I know, I know, yes I had seen pictures of him, but for some reason I saw his face on video and everything changed…

That night was talked for a long time, but mostly just gazed at each other and cried…how is it that this person…someone we had never met in person…could invoke such emotion? But here we were…it was like we had been waiting for one another this whole lifetime…and we finally found each other…

After that night we talked often. No matter how hard of a day I had, when I could hear his voice or see his beautiful face, it would make everything better. He felt the same.

I used to wonder how people could just talk for hours to each other about things…but here we were, sharing everything all the time and never running out of things to say…laughing, crying, sharing and loving…

We talked about meeting and wondered when would be a good time and place. We had both had difficult past stories of going to meet a lover over seas and having a really challenging experiences, so we wanted to meet on neutral terms, somewhere neither of us lived. Somewhere we could travel together as equals.

With the Winter Solstice coming up I mentioned that maybe we could meet in Mexico for an event called Synthesis. He agreed and we began our arrangements.

We met Dec 11th. 2012 in Cancun Mexico and started our Super Adventure Love Tour.